About Us

The hookup culture is here to stay, so might as well embrace it. Hooking up always gets a bad rap, especially from people who value emotional intimacy and having genuine relationships.

Chrissa Pedrola, the owner and lead writer of Enviro Search, believes and supports genuine relationships, but we also believe that the meaning of sex can go beyond what it should be. We will discuss the endless benefits of sex on this blog, and that’s enough reason for everyone to enjoy it without any judgment. This website is a safe environment to talk about hookup culture. Hooking up makes you feel free and careless, and that’s exactly the reason why there must be rules to follow to keep it fun and safe for everyone. We have prepared engaging articles that vary from sex guides, tips, sex toy reviews, and product recommendations from our sponsors.

We encourage everyone to participate in our discussions, but please keep our community safe and welcoming to other people. We are here to help everyone! Join us for updates by following all our social media channels and subscribing to our exclusive newsletter!

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